Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Faith Declaration #31 - Day 31 - "Claim for Abundance Beyond What You Can Ever Imagine to Change Your Life Forever"

Claim the wealth coming your way:

"I am truly rich. God's favor is upon me. I am blessed immensely - good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. I am in a position where God's abundance is meeting me head-on in every aspect of my life. I am blown away with untold blessings. And these blessings overflow to other people's live. In Jesus' name."

Live a Fantastic Life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Faith Declaration #30 - Day 30 - "Claim that God Brings the Right People to Your Path"

Declare God's Work in Your Life:

"God is blessings my endeavors. He is ordering events so that people I need to help me fulfill my vision and goals will cross my path. God is sending His angels not just to protect me, but also to aid me in my concerns. He is causing the right people to be favorable to me. In Jesus' name."

Be prepared to Meet Them.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Faith Declaration #29 - Day 29 - "Claim for Open Doors"

Proclaim that God is at work:

"When I ask, I receive. When I seek, I find. When I knock,door open. God's angel go before me to clear my path. God engineers situations for my benefit. Things will fall into place for my advantage. And as they do, I fulfill God's purposes in my life. In Jesus' name."

Be ready for the opportunities.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Faith Declaration #28 - Day 28 - "Claim for Inner Strength"

Boldly ask for Grace:

"I rejoice in my weakness because when I am weak, God's power is perfected in me. I draw from His strength and His mighty power. I exercise the gifts and virtues He has endowed me with. He empowers me to do what is right and to follow His will. In Jesus' name."

Stand firm in His Strength.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Faith Declaration #27 - Day 27 - "Claim for a Double Portion of God's Anointing"

Ask for your Blessing:

"The Lord is blessing me right now. He is pouring His anointing oil upon my head. He is blessing me with a double of portion of His Spirit, His Resources, His Gifts, His Virtues. I open my life and receives this abundance. In Jesus' name."

Live in God's Anointing.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Faith Declaration #26 - Day 26 - "Claim for God's Big Surprises"

Prophesy your Blessing:

"Something good is going to happen to me. No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no human mind can imagine the wonderful things God has prepared for me. His blessings are above and beyond what I expect to receive. His generosity surpasses all others. A tsunami of blessing will inundate my life and I will give glory to God. In Jesus' name."

Prepare for the big One.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Faith Declaration #25 - Day 25 - "Claim for Courage to do God's Will"

Profess your desire to obey God

"To do your will, oh God, is my delight. I am safe in the center of your perfect will so I set my face like flint and follow where you lead me. I trust in Your plan even if I don't see where I am going. You desire the best for my life and I walk in confidence as I follow You. In Jesus' name."


Boldly follow in His steps.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Faith Declaration #24 - Day 24 - "Claim for Patience"

Pray for this much-needed virtue:

"God has clothed me with patience. Even under trying circumstances, I discipline my thoughts and deny myself of giving in to impatience and irritability. Even when I am under strain, I will act with self-control and calmness. I will respond positively to situations instead of reacting negatively, instead of grumbling, I will speak praise. In Jesus' name."

Practice Patience.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Faith Declaration #23 - Day 23 - "Claim for a Peaceful Heart"

Say this in Faith:

"The peace of God, which is beyond understanding, stands guard over my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for God is with me. I trust in God completely even when things do not go as I expect. By waiting and by calm I shall be saved, in quiet and in trust my strength lies. In Jesus' name."

Today, rest assured that God is in control.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Faith Declaration #22 - Day 22 - "Claim that You Become More like Jesus"

Prophesy that You are Becoming Christlike:

"God is molding me into the image of His Son, Jesus. As I gaze on the Lord through prayer, Scripture reading and the sacraments, I am being transformed into His very image from glory to glory. Jesus is my model so I will love and live like Him. I will imitate Christ and shine His light to the world through my life.; In Jesus' name."

Be Christ to someone today.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Faith Declaration #21 - Day 21 - "Claim for Spiritual Revival"

Proclaim a fresh touch from God:

"Jesus renewing me today. His Spirit descends upon me blazing with fresh fire. He gives rest to my soul and refreshes my spirit. He turns my desert into pools of water, my parched life into springs. Everything dead and dying in my spiritual life is being revived by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name."

Act According to your Faith.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Faith Declaration #20 - Day 20 - "Claim for Your Dreams to Come True"

Believe that God wills your Success:

"My dreams are God's dreams for me. He has planted in me these desires in keeping with how He fashioned and created me. As I use my gifts and follow His leading, everything I need to fulfill my dreams will come to me. Opportunities will present themselves. Resources will follow. The right people will come. Nothing is impossible for those who believe, so I claim the fulfillment if my dreams. In Jesus' name."

Now work on your dreams.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Faith Declaration #19 - Day 19 - "Claim for a Happy and Loving Family"

Declare this for your loved ones:

"God's Love is evident in our family. His joy fill us as laughter resounds in our home. In our house, kindness and truth meet, justice and peace kiss. Our relationships are nourished as we express our love in healthy ways and fill each other's love tanks. We honor one another, and serve one another. Ours is a happy and loving home because Jesus reigns over us. In Jesus' name."

Show your love to your Family.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Faith Declaration #18 - Day 18 - "Claim for Deeper Trust"

Declare your Unwavering Faith:

"I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I submit to Him, and he makes my paths straight. Because my hope is in the Lord, I do not fear what my past, present and future hold. My heart is steadfast in the Lord my God and in Him I stand secure. In Jesus' name."

Face the Day with Confidence.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Faith Declaration #17 - Day #17 - "Claim that You Grow in Having a Servant's Heart"

Humbly Confess this prayer:

"God has given me a servant's heart. My heart breaks for the needs of others. His spirit moves me to lay down my life for others. My hands are God's hand and my feet are His feet, so I go the extra mile to serve others. With God's power, I serve in humility, expecting nothing in return - not even acknowledgement or praise. In Jesus' name."

Go and serve the Lord and others.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Faith Declaration 16 - Day 16 - "Claim Your Greater Joy"

Revel in God's Delight:

"God is causing my joy to overflow. He is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in distress, so I will not allow anything to steal my joy. God has made me glad, so no matter what my circumstance is. I choose to rejoice. I will shout for joy and sing God's praises. in Jesus' name.'

Share His joy to others.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Faith Declaration #15 - Day 15 - "Claim for DIvine Protection"

Believe that God protects You:

"No weapon fashioned against me shall prevail. God shields me from deadly hazards. His huge arms protect me and I'm still perfectly safe. I fear nothing because even though others succumb all around, I will stand untouched because God is my refuge. Evil can't get close to me, Harm can't get  through the door. God has ordered His angels to guard me wherever I go, If I stumble, they will catch me and keep me from falling in Jesus' name!"

Walk confidently in the shelter of the Lord.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Faith Declaration #14 - Day 14 - "Claim that You Walk in Daily Miracles"

Confess without doubt:

"I am a miracle magnet. No miracle is lost on me because I choose to recognize and acknowledge every big and small wonder God sends my way. Consequently, I walk in the realm of the miraculous. What I need comes to me. God grant my prayers in the best possible ways. All of creation conspires to bless me. In Jesus' name!"

Live as a miracle today.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Faith Declaration #13 - Day 13 - "Claim for God to Use You as a Rich Blessing to Others"

With Faith un your Heart, pray this out loud:

"God is blessing me beyond measure and it is overflowing to others. He has made a light to others so I share the time, talent, and treasure. He has generously entrusted to me. I am God's channel of blessing, dispensing His resources to my part of the world, His abundance is  flowing through me, bringing health, life and blessing to others. In Jesus' name!"

Start Giving Now.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Faith Declaration #12 - Day 12 - "Claim for a Fantastic Future"

Prophesy God's goodness:

"God knows well the plans. He has in mind for me, plans for my welfare, not for woe, plans to give me a future full of hope. I claim that he is ordering my every step according to his word. Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life, and His blessings makes me succeed in all my endeavors. In Jesus' name!"

Now live out your calling.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Faith Declaration #11 - Day 11 "Claim for Victory over Trials"

Proclaim that you are God's Champion:

"God will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. Even now He is providing a way out of my trial so I can be victorious over it. Every trial that comes to me produces endurance that will make me fully mature and lacking in nothing. God will turn all things for my good. In Jesus' name!"

Celebrate your Victory

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Faith Declaration #10 - Day 10 - "Claim for Emotional Healing"

Profess the wholeness God desires for you:

"God does not break the bruised reed or quench the smoldering wick. Jesus completes me and His presence in my life makes me whole. He binds my wounds. He roots out my negative emotions. He sets me free, that's why I can love Him and others freely. In Jesus' name! "

Rejoice in your Healing and Wholeness.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Faith Declaration #9 - "Claim for Spiritual Growth"

Declare that God wills for you to grow:

"I believe that every spiritual blessings that I need to grow in my relationship with Jesus is available to me. God wills to give me good things and that includes the amazing power of the Holy Spirit in my life. I will grow deeper in my love for the Lord with each passing day. When I read Scriptures, wisdom and insight will fill me. I will become more and more like the Lord and walk ever so closely to Him. In Jesus' name!"

Worship God for raining His spirit upon you today.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Faith Declaration #8 - "Claim for Financial Blessings"

Acknowledge the only source of all your resources:

"I'm rich and  getting richer. I'm generous and getting more generous. God's abundance is supplying my every need. Everyhting I touch prosper and succeeds. New doors will open before me. The right people will walk into my life. God will prosper the work of my hands, As I use my core gifts to serve others, I will be wichly rewarded. In Jesus' name!"

Praise Him for the generosity that will flow from your life.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Faith Declaration #7 - Day 07 - "Claim for God's Guidance"

Confess with your words that God will lead you:

"The steps of the good person are ordered by the Lord. Yes. God directs my every step. God helps me to distinguish what is right from wrong. God shows me the paths to abundance. God fills my mind with His wisdom. His enlightenment is mine. His discernment is His gift to me. For God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. In Jesus' name!"

 Believe that God is guiding you with His Spirit.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Faith Declaration #6 - Day 06 - Claim for More Love in Your Relationships

Announce this with great trust:

"God is blessing my relationship. Love is increasing. Service for one another is growing. Forgiveness, humility and understanding flow like a river in my relationships. Old wounds are being healed. Bonds between us are getting stringer and deeper. In Jesus' name!"

Go and act in love everyday

Friday, July 5, 2013

Faith Declaration #5 - Day 05 - Claim Your Freedom by Bo Sanchez

Declare with Joy

"God Created me Free! I'm now free to serve God and His people. I'm focusing on new dreams, not on old chains. Because my future is brighter than my past, I fix my gaze on my future, not my past. Everyday, I'm getting new habits to replace old ones. These new habits will bless me and bless the world. I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me. Because of God, I am a conqueror. I'm a champion! In Jesus' name!"

Start thanking God in advance for your total healing and freedom.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Faith Declaration #4 - Day 04 - Claim your Loved Ones for God

Proclaim with Your Lips:

My Child (husband, wife, brother, etc.) is growing closer to God. Deep inside his heart, the Holy Spirit is busy working, changing and transforming him. He is set free from all his addictions. He will fulfill God's purpose for his life. I declare that, as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. in Jesus' name!"


See in your imagination your family and friends loving God.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Faith Declaration #3 - Day 03 - Claim Your Health and Healing

"Faith Declaration #3: Claim Your Health and Healing

Say with conviction and boldness:

"With long life, He satisfies me and shows me His salvation. I'm getting better and better every day. I am getting stronger and stronger every day. The power of healing is flowing through my body, mind and spirit. New health, new joy, new peace and new hope are increasing within me. In Jesus' name!"

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Faith Declaration - Your Future is Brighter than Your Past (God Tells You, "Don't Give Up" by Bo Sanchez)

Most of you know that my parents brought me closer to God in 1978. But do you know who brought my parents closer to God?

A house. A simple bungalow house brought them closer to God. Let me tell you how it happened.

Have you ever experienced buying a shirt, a dress, shoes—and later regretting buying it? Well, it happened to my parents. Except that it wasn’t a shirt, a dress, or shoes. They bought a house and later realized they didn’t like it.

So my mother began the difficult task of selling it. 

They advertised it in newspapers every week. 

Here was the Ad:

Nice Bungalow; 3BR, 2TB. 

W/ garage and tiny garden.

Everyday, she received 2 or 3 callers, inquiring about the house. But for some reason, there were no takers. 

After one month of no sale, Mom changed the Ad.

Nice Bungalow; 3BR, 2TB. 

W/ garage and tiny garden.

Owners desperate;

Will kill themselves if not sold soon.

Just kidding.

But Mom was really desperate. You see, she already bought another property and was paying for that loan. But she was also paying for the house that she was trying to sell. She was drowning in her debts and needed to sell the house fast.

She was like that mouse in that tub of water, wondering if there was hope for her.

During that time, Mom followed the horoscope to the letter, consulted strange fortune-tellers with really strange hair-dos, and read all the fortune cookies she could get her hands on. Which didn’t really help sell the house. But the fortune cookies made her gain 10 pounds.

But I now believe that God has a great sense of humor. Because at that exact same time, Mom was invited to a prayer meeting. A prayer meeting she didn’t want to go to. She asked, “Is that the kind of prayer meeting that’s filled with weird people that like to raise their hands and dance ‘Lululalei Lalulalulalei, Lulalulalei Lalulalulalei…’?”

No way was she going to be with these weird people!

But desperation has a way of making you do crazy things. Because my mother was worried sick about the unsold house, she was willing to try anything. Yes, even a prayer meeting filled with weird people.

That was how she attended her first ever prayer meeting. And she loved it. She even sang and danced right along, “Lululalei Lalulalulalei, Lulalulalei Lalulalulalei…”

Read this carefully. 

Remember how she used to get 2 to 3 phone calls inquiring about the house? The prayer meeting was a Friday night. The day after, Saturday, she received 36 phone calls!

And by nightfall, barely 24 hours after she attended the prayer meeting, her house was sold.

What was God saying? “You put me first in your life, I will take care of your worries.”

You may be like my mother.

For months, you’ve been praying for a miracle. And no miracle has been taking place.

Don’t give up. Believe. Put God first. And a day will come when you’ll see the light exploding in your darkness.

And you’ll find out that your future is brighter than your past.

Faith Declaration #2 - Claim that God is Bigger than Your Mistakes (By Bo Sanchez)

"Faith Declaration #2: Claim that God is Bigger Than Your Mistakes

Say it with all your heart. Confess your faith. Let your words define your reality:

I may have messed up, but this is temporary. I may have made mistakes in the past, but my future is brighter than my past. Today, I come boldly into God's presence to receive mercy. I reject condemnation. Because of God's mercy, my best blessings are yet to come. Each day is a new beginning for me. Each day, I shall live a new life. Each day, I shall live in abundance. Each day, I shall walk in God's favor. Amen!'

Monday, July 1, 2013

Faith Declaration #1 - Day 01, Claim for a Blessed Life (by Bo Sanchez)

I'll ask you to  make the very first Faith Declaration. You'll find 31Faith Declaration in this blog. These are bold proclamations of what you want your future to be.

Confess this out loud...

"I declare I'll have a super-blessed life! I claim life of amazing abundance. For the rest of my life, I shall receive more love and give more love. I shall experience more joy, greater generosity, dreams fulfilled, financial increase, open doors, new opportunities, divine connections, super natural appointments, great miracles, answered prayers and exponential growth. In JESUS' name!" 

Have faith.

And act according to your faith.

Faith Declaration - Believe That You'll Have a Super Blessed Life (How Your Beliefs Determine your Reality) by Bo Sanchez

Do you believe that you’ll have a super-blessed year? 
Thoughts are powerful but words are even more powerful.
I’ve written here a powerful declaration for you to say. But I ask you to say it with conviction. Confess this out loud…
“I declare I’ll have a super-blessed year in 2010! I claim a year of amazing abundance for my life. This year, I shall receive more love and give more love. I shall experience more joy, greater generosity, dreams fulfilled, financial increase, open doors, new opportunities, divine connections, supernatural appointments, great miracles, answered prayers, and exponential growth—Amen!”
       My sons love playing with clay.
       I think it’s a great toy. 
Because you can shape it in anyway you want.
My boys would ask, “Dad, make a ball!” and I’d roll it on my hands and make a ball. My boys would ask, “Dad, make a hotdog!” and I’d rub it between my palms and make a hotdog. My boys would ask, “Dad, make a donut!” and I’ll connect the two ends and make a donut.   My boys would ask, “Dad, make an Optimus Prime Autobot Transformer Robot!” and I’ll tell them, “Nah, that’s too simple for me. Here, why don’t you try it?”
Friend, here’s the truth that has been hidden from you for a long time now. Your life is like clay in your hand.
Because God has given you the power to shape your life.
And this new year is no different. 
How do you want your 2010 to look like? It’s really up to you. It’s your choice. You call the shots. You decide your destiny.
I repeat. Your life is a clump of clay. And God has given you two powerful tools to shape your life: Your Faith and your Action.
Actually, Faith and Action are one. Because the clearest expression of your Faith is when you Act on your Faith.
And you’ll discover that life—and all of God’s creation—will adjust to your Faith and Action.
How Beliefs Determine Your Reality
A lot of people have Negative Faith. And their Negative Faith creates their negative life. 
They think, “I’ve had financial struggles last year and that won’t change this year.” Or “I’ve had so much misery last year and I’ll probably have more misery this year. Nothing will change.”
One day, a friend of mine—let’s call her Negative Nina—has a headache. It’s really just a simple headache. But Nina hears these thoughts in her mind: “It must be cancer. My officemate had a headache before the doctors told her it was cancer.” Actually, the truth is that Nina has a headache because the night before, she watched too many telenovelas. That’s all. But as the days go by, her fear grows bigger and bigger.
I told her, “Nina, your body is an obedient vessel to your mind. Soon, your body may actually produce the cancer you believe you have.”
Friend, don’t be like Negative Nina.
Instead, be a person of Positive Faith.
Do you want to see financial increase this year?
Say this declaration out loud: “This year, I’ll grow my investments, I’ll pay my debts, I’ll earn much more, and I’ll give much more.”
Do you want to see your family blessed?
Say this declaration out loud: “This year, my love will grow deeper, my relationships will grow stronger, and my family will grow closer!”
Do you want to be blessed spiritually?
Say this declaration out loud: “This year, my relationship with God will be stronger. I’ll grow in trust, I lessen my worries, I’ll be less materialistic, and experience more of God’s real joy.”
       Let me now explain to you the power of your faith.
Swimming In The Dark Isn’t Fun
In an experiment, psychologists threw a helpless mouse in a giant tub of water. If the tub of water was in a windowless room, where the mouse sees nothing else but pitch-black darkness, the mouse would swim for a while but give up quickly. How quick? It drowns after only 3 minutes of swimming.
But if the giant tub of water was in a room with even one tiny shaft of light—the mouse will keep swimming for an amazing 36 hours! The difference between 3 minutes and 36 hours is hope. That’s the power of faith.
I’ve met a lot of people who are like the mouse in that windowless room. Because they can’t see a bright future ahead of them, they give up. They give up their dreams. They get stuck in their past. They feel that nothing will change in their miserable life.
You may feel like you’re swimming against the current. You may feel like any moment now, you’ll be drowning in your problems. But fear not, there’s light at the end of your dark tunnel. 
Today, God wants to give you hope. The God who said, “Let there be light” on the first day of Creation is still proclaiming to you now, “Let there be light”.
Your future is brighter than your past.
       I remember a story my mother told me a long time ago.
Put God First
And A Sale Will Be Added Unto You
Most of you know that my parents brought me closer to God in 1978. But do you know who brought my parents closer to God?
       A house. A simple bungalow house brought them closer to God. Let me tell you how it happened.
Have you ever experienced buying a shirt, a dress, shoes—and later regretting buying it? Well, it happened to my parents. Except that it wasn’t a shirt, a dress, or shoes. They bought a house and later realized they didn’t like it.
       So my mother began the difficult task of selling it. 
They advertised it in newspapers every week. 
Here was the Ad:
Nice Bungalow; 3BR, 2TB. 
W/ garage and tiny garden.
Everyday, she received 2 or 3 callers, inquiring about the house. But for some reason, there were no takers. 
After one month of no sale, Mom changed the Ad.
Nice Bungalow; 3BR, 2TB. 
W/ garage and tiny garden.
Owners desperate;
Will kill themselves if not sold soon.
Just kidding.
But Mom was really desperate. You see, she already bought another property and was paying for that loan. But she was also paying for the house that she was trying to sell. She was drowning in her debts and needed to sell the house fast.
She was like that mouse in that tub of water, wondering if there was hope for her.
During that time, Mom followed the horoscope to the letter, consulted strange fortune-tellers with really strange hair-dos, and read all the fortune cookies she could get her hands on. Which didn’t really help sell the house. But the fortune cookies made her gain 10 pounds.
But I now believe that God has a great sense of humor. Because at that exact same time, Mom was invited to a prayer meeting. A prayer meeting she didn’t want to go to. She asked, “Is that the kind of prayer meeting that’s filled with weird people that like to raise their hands and dance ‘Lululalei Lalulalulalei, Lulalulalei Lalulalulalei…’?”
No way was she going to be with these weird people!
       But desperation has a way of making you do crazy things. Because my mother was worried sick about the unsold house, she was willing to try anything. Yes, even a prayer meeting filled with weird people.
       That was how she attended her first ever prayer meeting. And she loved it. She even sang and danced right along, “Lululalei Lalulalulalei, Lulalulalei Lalulalulalei…”
Read this carefully. 
Remember how she used to get 2 to 3 phone calls inquiring about the house? The prayer meeting was a Friday night. The day after, Saturday, she received 36 phone calls!
And by nightfall, barely 24 hours after she attended the prayer meeting, her house was sold.
       What was God saying? “You put me first in your life, I will take care of your worries.”
       You may be like my mother.
       For months, you’ve been praying for a miracle. And no miracle has been taking place.
       Don’t give up. Believe. Put God first. And a day will come when you’ll see the light exploding in your darkness.
       And you’ll find out that your future is brighter than your past.
Believe That God Has A Great Future For You
       You may be like the old prophet Simeon in the Bible.
One day, God told him, “Before you die, you’ll see the Messiah.” So Simeon stayed in the Temple, praying for the fulfilment of God’s promise. He prayed and fasted and waited for the Messiah for many years. After 20 long years, Simeon became an old man. He must have wondered, “Did I hear right from God? Perhaps I made a mistake. Perhaps it was just my imagination.”
But Simeon kept believing (Faith). He kept doing what was right (Action). He kept praying in the temple.
And one day, he saw a couple from Galilee arrive in the temple—Joseph and Mary walking in, carrying their baby in their arms. I don’t know if he saw a giant red neon light arrow in the sky with big bold letters announcing, “This is the guy!” I imagine Simeon running to Mary, and lifting the baby, he says, “I can die now, for I have seen the salvation of Israel.”
Imagine if Simeon gave up. What if before the day Jesus came, he packed his bags and said, “I’ve waited too long.  Twenty years.  This is silly. I’m going to Hong Kong now and do some shopping.”
He would have missed the Messiah.
You may be like Simeon. You may be saying, “I’ve been in debt for such a long time. Nothing’s gonna change.”
“I’ve been stuck in my crummy job forever. I’ve had no promotions for 15 years now. I guess I’ll die in this job.” 
“I’ve been single for such a long time now. I don’t think I’ll ever get married.”
“My child has been rebelling for 12 years now. I don’t think he’ll ever change.”
“Bo, my husband won’t change anymore. He’s been away from God for 12 years now.”
       Friend, don’t believe these lies.
Believe that God has a great future in store for you. Believe that your future is brighter than your past. And keep doing what’s right. Keep acting on your faith.
If you’re discouraged, I want you read my last story.
She Believed Her Family Will Come To God
I met Rorie Pasimio 23 years ago.
She attended our prayer meeting carrying a heavy burden—a burden she had been carrying for many years. Her marriage with her husband Roy was breaking apart. Because Roy had all the classic vices. In my time, they called it ABS-CBN, or Alak, Babae, Sugal, Cabaret-Beerhouse-Nighclub. For years, he was drinking and womanizing. For years, he had many girlfriends. It seemed Rorie’s life was destined to be filled with pain and misery.
But Rorie had faith. She kept believing that God had a great plan for her. She believed her future was brighter than her past. 
She didn’t want a broken marriage and a broken family. She prayed for God’s miracle for Roy. But not only faith. She also had action. Because she also worked on herself.  She stopped nagging. She stopped fighting him and started fighting for him. She surrendered him to God.
God’s miracle came in the form of a sty or kuliti.
Have you ever had a sty? A sty usually stays on for a few days, perhaps a week.  But Roy had an extraordinary sty that lasted for five long months.
One day, Roy’s officemate was in the hospital with cancer. He called up Roy and said “I heard Rorie attends a prayer meeting. Can you ask her and her friends to pray over me here at the hospital?” Naturally, Roy was forced to go with Rorie.
And there, he saw them pray over his sick friend. And he saw how his friend’s face changed—from restlessness to incredible peace. 
Rorie couldn’t believe her ears when she heard Roy ask her friends, “Can you also pray over my sty?”
They prayed over him. And in 3 days, his 5-month old sty was totally healed.
And from there, Rorie invited Roy to attend the Light of Jesus. Roy said that little by little, his vices went away one by one.
Today, 23 years later, Roy Pasimio is our missionary to Asia Pacific and the Middle EastHe has opened 12 Light of Jesus chapters in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Australia, New Zealand…
How did this miracle happen? 
A woman named Rorie dared to believe that God has something greater in store for her. She believed that her future was brighter than her past.
This wasn’t all. Rorie and Roy have two adult children who are also serving God. Their daughter Gemma serves in Singles for Christ here in Manila and their son Tey is a nurse in America, leading one of our Light of Jesus chapters in Los Angeles.
Don’t Ask Small
       Here’s my final message.
Rorie didn’t pray a small prayer. She didn’t pray, “Lord, help me to survive this marriage.” She prayed, “Lord, make my marriage a great marriage. I want a family that will serve you. I want a husband that will serve God with me.”
       I repeat: God has a great future planned for you. So don’t pray small prayers. Pray for great ones. Expect great things to happen to you. The Bible says, Ask me and I will give you the nation as your inheritance.
Ask Him to fulfil your highest hopes and dreams! Dare to ask God for your deepest desires.  Don’t settle for lesser dreams.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Do you want financial growth in 2010? The key is to gain an abundance mentality.  To throw away your scarcity mentality.  I’ll help you gain that on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis when you join my TrulyRichClub. I’ll send you my audio talks, seminars, Ebooks like a constant river of blessing to feed your mind and heart. To grow in your finances in 2010, log on at the now!